Digital Workplace Solutions

As firms become more distributed and multinational, internal communication is changing. No matter what the situation, InfotonicsMedia’s digital workplace solutions intranet software keep employees informed, engaged, and productive.

InfotonicsMedia is a technology firm that creates digital workplace solutions and intranet software for employee-centric enterprises all over the world. Businesses of various sizes utilize our solution to integrate teams and drive growth, from high-growth start-ups and small businesses to non-profits and public organizations.

Our Digital Workplace Solutions

Document Management Solutions

InfotonicsMedia enables businesses to swiftly roll out document management capabilities by extending its power to all users. It takes advantage of collaborative platforms’ functionality and streamlines the user experience. InfotonicsMedia digital workplace solutions provide an immediate solution to diverse document management issues.

Guest User Portal Solutions

InfotonicsMedia enables you to create a special guest user portal for your external users, such as Customers, Partners, Vendors, Subcontractors, Students, and so on. With our digital workplace solutions, you may exchange documents, assign tasks, include them as team members in your projects, measure progress, communicate, share news, gather feedback, check attendance, and monitor timesheets.

Intranet Software

InfotonicsMedia has a slew of collaboration tools that are simple to use and allow you to work without requiring much technical knowledge. InfotonicsMedia with its digital workplace solutions provides outstanding productivity solutions that are extensively utilized in workplace collaboration, content management, and search

Workplace Analytics Solution

InfotonicsMedia provides statistics that enable a simple dashboard to analyze the usage and acceptance of your Intranet and all collaboration tools. InfotonicsMedia’sdigital workplace solutions & devised analytics tools provide crucial analytical graphs, summary reports, and detailed statistics that provide a full perspective of usage for both online and mobile users.

Attendance & Time Management Solutions

Companies want to measure employee productivity and workload as working from home or anywhere becomes the new normal. InfotonicsMedia digital workplace solutions as a timesheet module maintain track of all work and time spent by each employee.

Project Tracking solutions

Not everyone needs a comprehensive and elaborate system for project management tools. We estimate that more than 80% of employees require a tool that does not require any training to learn. InfotonicsMedia digital workplace solutions enable them to collaborate as a team by providing a centralized repository of documents as well as the ability to assign tasks and track their progress.

Our Digital Workplace Services

Digital Workplace Consulting Services

Digital workplace Consulting services are provided at InfotonicsMedia to assist you in planning and deploying your new digital workplace. You’ll never have to question if you’re on the right road again since we’ll be there every step of the way, providing strategic, technical, and design assistance.

Digital Workplace Visual Design

Your digital workplace should look and feel like your brand, while also providing the best user experience possible. InfotonicsMedia design specialists will ensure that your brand is consistent across all internal touchpoints in your business, so your workers feel more linked to your overall objectives and mission. Our Digital Workplace solutions will help you to:

Digital Workplace Implementation

Creating a digital workplace is a multi-step process. You shouldn’t have to figure it out on your own. We put together a team of specialists, adhere to a tried-and-true structure, and provide you with the digital workplace solutions and tools you need to succeed – from construction to prep to launch and beyond.Our programs for strategy, planning, launch, and engagement assure your success at every level. Our steps are:

Digital Workplace Technical Support

We recognize that implementing a digital workplace requires an investment. That is why we form partnerships with our clients, offering continuing support to deliver value and ROI even after the product is launched – because we think that support is the key to success. Our digital workplace solutions support services provide an edge to your aims of the digital workplace because of:

Ongoing Development

We understand that creating a digital workplace demands a financial commitment. That is why we build partnerships with our clients, providing ongoing support to deliver value and ROI even after the product has been released – because we believe that support is the key to success. Our digital workplace solutions experts will lead you to success by utilizing the most recent engagement tactics and best practices, as well as giving professional advice in the following categories:

Industry-wise Digital Workplace Solutions

Human Resource Digital Workplace Solutions

Employee Onboarding digital workplace Solutions

With savvy digital workplace solutions, automate your staff onboarding process from start to finish. Create the offer letter, have it approved by HR, have it digitally signed by the candidate, perform background checks, set up a new account in Google Directory and other services, save a copy of the signed offer letter in the employee folder, assign a task to IT to order the necessary computers. Everything is automated with a few drags and drops.

Employee Training digital workplace solutions

Using tailored digital workplace solutions, create an automated system that allows your workers to request specialized training, have it authorized by their supervisors, and then be enrolled in the training session automatically.

Policy Change Approvals digital workplace solutions

Automate the process of reviewing any modifications to HR policy and obtaining clearance from the Legal, Compliance, and HR leaders with our digital workplace solutions.

Marketing Digital Workplace Solutions

Content Marketing digital workplace solutions

Automate your content marketing strategy to track the complete content generation process, from concepts to SEO optimization to posting and obtaining all necessary permissions in between with our digital workplace solutions.

Workflow automation Solutions

Use the most powerful digital workplace solutions to automate your CRM-related operations. As part of your customer nurturing process, send emails to newly signed-up customers on a regular basis.

Sales Review Solutions

Before new sales training materials are released to the Sales Portal, they must be reviewed and approved by the Sales Enablement and Sales Strategy teams. That is possible with our revolutionary digital workplace solutions.

Education Digital Workplace Solutions

School Facilities booking digital workplace solutions

Using digital workplace solutions and services, automate the process of booking school facilities. Allow internal and/or external users to request the booking of a specific facility, and then assign a task to the person responsible for that facility to confirm the booking. When the request has been confirmed, contact the requester and reserve the facility’s schedule.

Feedback forms solutions

Use Google Forms to gather feedback from students, automatically route the comments for evaluation to the appropriate person, and construct dashboards to obtain a summary of all feedback received. All just a few simple drags and drops with our digital workplace solutions.

Covid Tracking Solution

With digital workplace solutions, make the process of reporting a good COVID-19 case by students and staff more automated. Identify the person’s close connections, create a record of them, and tell them to be tested or self-isolated. Everything is mechanized; therefore, no manual labour is required.

Manufacturing Digital Workplace Solutions

Budget Approval & Review Solutions

Automated review procedure for quarterly budgets to go through proper Finance team approvals. Following approval, the accounting team is notified to adjust their predictions through our digital workplace solutions.

Invoice Processing Automation Solutions

With our digital workplace solutions Automate your invoice processing operations to save time and money, boost productivity, and eliminate human errors. Keep an eye on your email and monitor for incoming bills. Use artificial intelligence to extract data from invoices, validate it against the purchase order.

Expense Reimbursement Solutions

Automate the approval and reimbursement of expenses. Our digital workplace solutions allow workers to submit cost claims using a Google Form, which will route the expenditure to the employee’s manager for approval and then to the accounts payable team for processing.

IT Digital Workplace Solutions

IT Service Desk Solutions

Automated review procedure for quarterly budgets to go through proper Finance team approvals. Following approval, the accounting team is notified to adjust their predictions through our digital workplace solutions.

IT Asset Management Solutions

Easily automate your IT asset management workflow from start to finish. Our digital workplace solutions allow workers to request IT equipment via a form. Keep track of the device’s delivery and any necessary correspondence. And preserve an asset allocation inventory within InfotonicsMedia.

Remote Communication Solutions

Streamline the procedure for workers to seek office access, gain permission from their bosses, and then get approval from HR. And see all of the information using dashboards to control and see who is accessing the workplace using our digital workplace solutions.

Operations Digital Workplace Solutions

Vendor Registration Solution

With our digital workplace solutions, create a procedure to improve your vendor enrolling experience and keep vendor relationships strong. Using dashboards, you can streamline vendor bids, define terms and conditions, select the best vendor, as well as receive insight into the entire process.

Work Order Processing

Utilize our digital workplace solutions to harness the power of artificial intelligence to automate your incoming work order processing processes. Extract information from work order papers automatically put it into a Google Sheet and establish correct job allocations.

Contractor Onboarding Solutions

Automate the process of creating a Google Drive folder structure for onboarding newly recruited contractors, populating it with often used materials, and sharing it with the contractor with our digital workplace solutions.